Campeche SAVE Center Management
Fundacion Avanza, a non-profit organization, carries the purpose to contribute to the development and welfare of Campeche and its people. It is the local implementer of the SAVE Center development project in Campeche.
The ADO Foundation supports community-development projects across Mexico in order to bring more access and opportunities to areas with less access to growth. Since its inception in 2005, it has supported more than 160 projects led by 87 non-profit organizations.
FUNDEMEX is a non-profit organization with a mission to transform and promote sustainable processes linked to poverty reduction in Mexico through developing social enterprises that bring economic, social and environmental value.
The vision of FHMM is to better the quality of life for partnered Mayan communities and to do so in a way that protects Mayan culture and the environment.
Pronatura is an organization whose mission is to conserve the flora and fauna of Mexico while promoting societal development in harmony with nature.