Becán is a tranquil community in Calakmul, and browsing its beautiful local handicrafts is a real pleasure for travelers. Within this community is a council of women dedicated to producing colorful, sturdy, and comfortable hammocks. Hammock-making tours and workshops are offered here by this delightful coalition, and travelers will have a great time learning the ways of hammock-making, viewing the beautiful selections, and experiencing the warmth of Becán’s locals.
why It Matters?
The Fundación Haciendas del Mundo Maya (FHMM) has been active in the Calakmul communities for several years, collaborating with community members on development, education, nutrition and learning artisanal skills. This workshop is a product of community commitment to growth- and their products speak to the incredible skills they’ve learned and can now share with visitors.
who Can Sign Up?
Anyone! Calakmul’s regions offer so much more than breath-taking Mayan archaeological sites. Becán is a warm community that welcomes you to participate in its craft practices, and the art of hammock-making is something you will enjoy and remember for years to come. Sign up today!
How Do I Sign Up?
Right here! Our friends at FHMM will make sure your reservation gets to the women’s coalition and that you easily find your way to the Becán hammock-making business location.
If you are a SAVE sending organization, inquire with us about how to send crafty travelers to this unforgettable workshop.
More Details, Please!
A coalition of women artisans in Becán skillfully create beautiful and comfortable hammocks made from natural fibers, combining elegance and functionality into these places of rest. Hammocks are essential in warm tropical climates like that of Campeche and are optimal for those seeking a cool rest or a deep sleep.
Partner Spotlight: Women’s Coalition
At the hammock workshop the women have a lot of fun and laughs together. One day after finishing their work, they left their hammocks and the next day found one with a hole in it and the little mouse that had eaten through it! This prompted much laughter and stayed with the women as a funny and fond memory.